Occupational Therapy For Stroke Patients

Occupational Therapy For Stroke Patients

Stroke is a condition that affects blood flow in the brain. It can cause problems with speech, vision, and even movement. Stroke is most common in older adults but can happen at any age. Occupational therapy (OT) is an effective way to improve your quality of life after a stroke. When participating in OT sessions outside of work hours, may help improve motor function and increase your overall independence so that you can live more independently at home or in assisted-living facilities.

Occupational Therapy For Stroke Patients

Adult Stroke Patients: What Do Occupational Therapists Do?

Occupational therapists help stroke patients to recover the skills they need to do everyday tasks. They work with patients to improve their ability to walk, talk, eat and dress.

Occupational therapists also help stroke victims who have trouble with fine motor activities or have lost some of their manual dexterity due to paralysis of the arms and legs.

How Does Occupational Therapy Help Stroke Patients

Occupational therapists help stroke patients regain function, independence, and self-esteem. They can also help stroke patients regain their confidence by teaching them new activities to do at home.
Occupational therapists focus on helping people adjust to their new environment after a brain injury or illness. The goal is to help them return as much independence as possible so that they can enjoy life again without limitations caused by their condition.
Occupational Therapy For Stroke Patients

What Are The Types Of Stroke?

  • Ischemic Stroke
  • Hemorrhagic Stroke
  • Intracerebral Hemorrhagic Stroke
  • Subarachnoid Hemorrhagic Stroke
  • Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA or Mini Stroke)

Ischemic Stroke

There are two types of strokes: ischemic strokes and hemorrhagic strokes. They are caused by a blood clot that blocks blood flow to the brain.

A person can get an ischemic stroke if they have high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, smoking, and diabetes.

Symptoms may include weakness or numbness on one side of their body, problems speaking; loss of vision, double vision (diplopia); face drooping; difficulty walking or standing up from sitting down (ataxia); dizziness; confusion about time and place in space; slurred speech due to weakness in part of tongue muscles used for speaking.

 Hemorrhagic Stroke

A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when blood is leaking into the brain. Hemorrhagic strokes can be caused by aneurysms, bleeding disorders, and trauma. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a layer of cells that separates the cerebrospinal fluid inside your body from outside chemicals or cells. When this barrier becomes damaged or destroyed by hemorrhage, it allows blood to pass into your brain instead of staying within normal limits.

The symptoms associated with hemorrhagic stroke include:

  • Vision problems (blurred vision)
  • Slurred speech

Sometimes there are no symptoms,Some people do not experience any symptoms, but if you experience any changes in your mental state or physical ability after falling ill with an allergic reaction then call us immediately!

Intracerebral Hemorrhagic Stroke

  • Hemorrhagic strokes are caused by bleeding in or around the brain. Unlike ischemic strokes, they do not involve a blockage of blood flow. The location of a hemorrhagic stroke can be anywhere in your head and neck, but it’s most common for them to occur on one side only.

    The symptoms you experience depend on what part of your brain has been affected by bleeding (a hemorrhage could cause any physical disability). Some people may have:

    Problems with speech or swallowing
  • Problems understanding words or objects

Occupational Therapy For Stroke Patients

Subarachnoid Hemorrhagic Stroke


 Blood leaks into the space between the brain and the skull when a blood vessel bursts in the brain. It can cause a dangerous swelling in your brain, which may result in seizures or paralysis.
The symptoms of subarachnoid hemorrhagic stroke include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Loss of vision (blurred vision) or double vision

Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA or Mini Stroke)

A TIA is a type of stroke, but it’s considered to be a milder form. It occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain temporarily gets cut off and causes symptoms like numbness or weakness. These may last only a few minutes, but they can range from mild to severe depending on where in your body you experience them.

The good news is that most people make a full recovery from this type of event—but if you do have any lasting effects (like trouble walking), then it may be worth seeing an occupational therapist as soon as possible to help make improvements in how you function at home and work.

Occupational Therapy For Stroke Patients

What Are The Signs Of A Stroke?

  • Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg
  • Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
  • Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes (especially at night)
  • Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, and loss of balance or coordination.

What Should I Do If I Believe Someone Is Having A Stroke?

If you believe someone is having a stroke, call 911 immediately. A medical professional will be sent to your home or place of work to assess the situation and provide care for the patient until help arrives.
If possible, stay with the person until help arrives. Many stroke symptoms can be confusing and frightening for family members; it’s essential not to leave them alone if their condition worsens or if something happens during this time that requires immediate attention from emergency personnel (e.g., falling down stairs).
If possible, try not to let anyone else touch their head or neck. In contrast, they are being assessed by emergency personnel which may increase their risk of injury due to increased pressure on their brain tissue due to increased blood flow around damaged areas caused by strokes.
When hands are busy doing tasks like holding phones instead of keeping watch over loved ones’ bodies as they lie unconscious on beds surrounded by strangers wearing masks covering mouths.
Hence, no one knows what words come out when these people speak later on down the road after surgery has been performed at a hospital where doctors remove brain tissue without any anesthesia!
Occupational Therapy For Stroke Patients

Is Occupational Therapy For Stroke Patients Effective?

Occupational therapy is a type of rehabilitation that can help stroke patients regain their functional abilities and improve their quality of life. It’s also beneficial in helping to increase independence, communication, and memory.
In addition to these benefits, occupational therapy helps with attention problems caused by stroke.

Occupational therapy can help stroke patients regain independence and improve their quality of life. Everyone needs to know about the benefits of occupational therapy so that when someone experiences a stroke, they can access the services they need. 

For More Detail, Contact Us, or you can also visit our website www.iconiccare.com.au.

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