What Is Intellectual Disability?

What Is An Intellectual Disability?

Intellectual disability is a group of conditions that affect how you think learn and interact with the world around you. Although they can appear at any point in life, intellectual disabilities tend to get worse over time. They often start very early in life and progress slowly over time.

Intellectual disability is a condition that begins in childhood and lasts throughout a person’s lifetime. It’s also called an intellectual developmental disorder or mental retardation. The term “intellectual disability” refers to an array of conditions that affect an individual’s ability to think learn, communicate, and reason.

How Does An Intellectual Disability Happen?

An intellectual disability is a condition that causes a person’s intellect to be significantly impaired. It can be mild, moderate, or severe and may affect many areas of life, including the ability to learn and communicate effectively. Intellectual disabilities result from brain damage or genetic conditions such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21) or Fragile X Syndrome (FXS).

Intellectual disabilities are not the result of a person’s intelligence or ability to learn they are lifelong conditions that affect how you think act and feel every day.

What Are The Most Common Causes?

The most common cause of intellectual disability is a genetic condition. If you have a parent or sibling who has been diagnosed with an intellectual disability, it’s more likely that you will develop one yourself as well.

Other causes of intellectual disability include complications during pregnancy, problems during birth (such as pre-term labour), diseases, or toxic exposure that can affect brain development at any point in life.

Genetic Conditions

The most common causes of intellectual disability are genetic conditions. These include Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, and Prader-Willi syndrome.

There are over 200 genetic conditions that can cause intellectual disability, but the most common ones are Down syndrome (caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21), Fragile X syndrome (a genetic condition in which males have a gene mutation that affects their ability to make proteins) and Prader-Willi syndrome (in which children are born with large heads due to an underdeveloped pituitary gland).

Complications During Pregnancy

  • Preeclampsia and gestational diabetes are conditions that can develop during pregnancy. If a woman develops these conditions, it is important to seek medical care and treatment as soon as possible.
  • High blood pressure is another complication that can occur during pregnancy. If your blood pressure increases significantly, you will need to contact your doctor immediately to discuss how best to manage the condition and prevent future complications from occurring.

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Problems During Birth

If a baby is born with an intellectual disability, it’s important to know that there are many causes. Some of these can be genetic or inherited, but most cases are caused by diseases that attack the brain during pregnancy or birth.

To Help Prevent Intellectual Disability:

  • Talk with your doctor about any risks associated with having a child with an intellectual disability. This may include an increased risk for seizures, hearing loss, and other problems like sleep apnea (a disorder where breathing stops for short periods of time). Your doctor will also explain how best to care for yourself and your unborn baby during pregnancy so you’re ready when the time comes!
  • Talk about what kind of support services are available in case something happens after birth—for example, counselling services from organizations like Autism Speaks; local hospitals offering free care; programs like Head Start (a government program aimed at helping low-income families get ready for school) etc.).

Diseases Or Toxic Exposure

Diseases or toxic exposure can also cause intellectual disabilities. For example, lead poisoning and alcohol abuse are both known causes of intellectual disabilities.

In some cases, treatment may be needed to prevent further damage to your child’s brain function and help them recover from their illness or injury. If you believe that someone has been exposed to a harmful substance, it is important not only to get immediate medical help but also to find out if there are any long-term effects on the body that need attention as well.

If your child has been diagnosed with an intellectual disability due to disease or toxic exposure (or even if they do not), it is important that you seek out supportive services like educational support groups or social opportunities where people with similar experiences can meet up together so they feel less alone while still being able to perform basic tasks such as dressing themselves every day without assistance from others around them these types of activities often provide important sources of encouragement during difficult times when life seems overwhelming because many other factors outside themselves may have contributed towards making things worse instead than better.

How Common Are Intellectual Disabilities?

1 in 5 people has an intellectual disability, which is more common than autism, Down syndrome, and blindness combined.

  • The estimated prevalence of ID varies widely depending on the population studied and how it’s measured. When researchers look at people who are receiving services from public agencies, they often find that between 2% and 8% of their participants have some form of ID (the average being 6%).
  • However, if you only count those who receive special education services—those with IQ scores below 70—then about 1 in 12 children in your local school district has an intellectual disability (again the average being 10%).
  • In addition to these direct estimates from surveys or evaluations conducted by schools themselves as well as various health care providers like paediatricians or midwives there are now several other sources such as insurance companies who track claims made by families coming into their offices asking questions about whether or not their child needs further evaluation before making any decision about what kind of treatment options might be available for them based on their diagnosis.


Q: What is an intellectual disability?

ANS: Intellectual disabilities are a group of conditions that affect how you think, learn, and communicate. They may be caused by disorders of the brain or nervous system environmental factors like exposure to toxins or by genetic disorders. Intellectual disabilities can range from mild to severe in terms of your ability to function in everyday life. How do these conditions develop? Intellectually disabled people are born with them (congenital) they develop over time (acquired) or they may appear later in life when there have been no previous signs of problems before then (sporadic).

Q: What causes intellectual disability?

ANS: There are many different ways that intellectual disability happens: it can be genetic, caused by complications during pregnancy or birth, caused by diseases such as HIV/AIDS infection or nutritional deficiencies among others – but most commonly speaking it’s simply due to problems with brain development at birth which leads directly into adulthood where these issues persist into adulthood despite treatment attempts performed thereafter.


The most common cause of an intellectual disability is a genetic condition. These conditions can be passed from one generation to the next, so if you want to know if your child has an intellectual disability, it’s best to get tested early on. If there is no known genetic cause for your child’s intellectual disability and he or she has other medical issues like seizures or hearing loss, then you should consider consulting with a paediatrician or doctor specializing in developmental disorders. For more Detail Contact US.


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