How Does NDIS Support People With Autism?

How Does NDIS Support People With Autism?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government program that provides funding for people with a disability to access needed support and other services. The NDIS Plan Management provides independence, self-determination and choice for people living with a disability who may otherwise be excluded from employment, education or training opportunities.

What Makes One Eligible To Receive Support And Funding From NDIS?

To be eligible for support and funding from the NDIS, you must:

  • be over 18 years old
  • be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • live in Australia
  • be eligible for Medicare (except if your disability is covered by private health insurance)

You can apply if you have a disability that makes it difficult to work, study or participate in social activities. Your plan will also include goals and aspirations that are aligned with your personal budget.

How Can NDIS Support Workers Assist You?

What Does The NDIS Funding Offer For People With ASD?

The NDIS funding that can be used to support people with ASD is available for a range of services. These include:

  • Assistance to help you with your needs and aspirations, such as:
  • Accessing training courses or gaining qualifications in order to develop your own career path.
  • Choosing a place where you can receive the most appropriate support, such as education, work or living arrangements.
  • Living independently at home or in a group home by yourself if you do not want others looking after you 24/7 (where this would be possible).

What Are The NDIS Support Categories?

The NDIS supports people with autism through three core categories:

  • Core support
  • Capacity building
  • Capital support

Core Support

Core support is the most common form of NDIS support. It’s designed to help people with ASD live independently. Core supports can include things like personal assistants, respite care and other services that enable you to live as independently as possible in your own home.

Core supports can also be used to pay for equipment or modifications to the home that will allow you to access mainstream services more easily (for example ramps).

Capacity Building

Capacity building is a critical part of the NDIS. It supports people with ASD to develop skills and capabilities, work towards independence, and live more independently.

The NDIS offers a range of services to help you support your child’s development in areas such as communication, play skills and social interactions self-care employment opportunities leisure activities including transport health services education or training opportunities including vocational services that might lead to work placement or volunteering placements.

Capital Support

Capital support can be used to purchase a disability-related item or service, such as:

  • A vehicle.
  • For example, a computer with access to the internet, or an assistive device like a wheelchair for mobility purposes.
  • A caravan or boat for transport between places in your community and between home and work.

Capital support may also be used for other items such as housekeeping services (cleaning), personal care (housekeeper), childcare/nursing care provided by someone else’s household member on weekends/public holidays etc. Socialising activities are arranged through your local autism advocacy group where you live. These are all examples of ‘capital support.

How Can NDIS Support Workers Assist You?

How Can You Easily Receive The Various NDIS Supports?

Your NDIS plan is a tool that will help you live your life as independently as possible. It outlines the supports, services and supports that you need to access to be able to live on your own in the community.

Your NDIS plan will include:

  • How much assistance you can receive from the NDIS during any given time period (a month)
  • The types of support available under each category may include things such as home visits, phone calls or text messages etc., depending on what type of support is needed at any given point in time
  • When it comes down it all comes down to having conversations with your planner or via video conferencing so they know how much help they can provide during each phase of their working day.

What To Do If You Have Difficulties Preparing For Your NDIS Meeting?

If you have difficulties preparing for your NDIS meeting, there are many ways to get support. You can:

Talk with a friend or family member who has autism and has been through the process themselves. They may be able to help you understand what to expect at the meeting and how it will affect your life as an NDIS participant.

They may also be able to give advice on how best to prepare for it, including tips on getting information about what services are available in their local area or from other people who have gone through similar experiences.


If you have any questions or would like to learn more, feel free to Call Us at 02 4604 8282 or 0405 519 178. We are here to help with your NDIS eligibility and support needs.For More Detail Contact Us or you can also visit our website


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