The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a special-purpose funding model that provides support and services to people with disability. These services are delivered by NDIS Local Area Coordinators (LACs). The role of LACs varies depending on the type of plan they are working with and their geographical location.
Who Is An NDIS Local Area Coordinator?
The NDIS Local Area Coordinator (LAC) is an authorised representative of the NDIAS. They are responsible for ensuring that support is provided in accordance with the NNDIS. In addition, they need to ensure that people with disability and their families have access to information and advice about what they can expect from their support.
The LAC also helps people apply for funding, manage their own support plan or receive services through other agencies such as financial institutions or pharmaceutical companies if necessary.
Functions Of An NDIS Local Area Coordinator
- Help people get their plan.
- Help people get the right support.
- Help people get the right services, funding and other things that are part of their NDIS plan.
- Help with your NDIS plan review or update if needed (a client may want to change parts of their plan).
- Assist with reconsideration when a person is unhappy with something in their current plan and wants to have it looked at again
What Are The Different Levels Of Support To Implement My NDIS Plan?
The NDIS plan Management is the document that describes how you want to use your support and services. This includes:
- Who will be using them, where they live and what support will be available for each person
- How often someone can have a session with their support worker, who is also known as a LAC (Local Area Coordinator) or provider
- What type of service is provided by that person’s team member at home or in care settings (e.g., personal care assistants)
Support Connection
Support Connection is the first step in the NDIS process. It’s a one-to-one meeting with an NDIA planner who will talk to you about your plan, how it fits into the rest of your life and what needs to change if you’re not happy with it.
If you don’t feel like this has been enough time to learn everything that needs changing in your life, then ask them! Tell them what things seem most critical now, but also tell them how much time there is before they might need other support too (for example: “I’m returning back to work next week”).
Coordination Of Support.
As the LAC, you are responsible for coordinating your plan’s implementation. This can include finding out about support services in your area and helping people access them. You also have an active role to play in ensuring that people with disabilities have access to information about the NDIS, including:
- What support is available at each stage of their journey through the system?
- How can they best navigate it?
Specialists Support Coordination
- The NDIS LAC will help you to find the right specialist provider for your needs.
- The NDIS LAC will also help you negotiate with a specialist provider if this is needed.
- The NDIS LAC can help you understand other people’s plans and what they have agreed to in relation to their care and support arrangements with the NDIS.
How To Find An NDIS Local Area Coordinator
To find an NDIS local area coordinator, you can use these resources:
The NDIS logo. It’s on the front of all local coordinators’ business cards and websites.
The NDIS contact number for each state or territory (see above). When you call this number, it will connect you directly with whichever person is listed as your local area coordinator in that state or territory. You don’t need to know what language they speak before calling; they’ll tell you where they are located so that they can answer any questions you may have!
What Is The Difference Between An NDIS LAC And An NDIA Planner?
The difference between an NDIS LAC and an NDIA planner is that the latter will be employed by the NDIA. The former will work in your local area.
A LAC can be either:
- Someone who works for a government department (like a community organisation) or another non-government organisation; or
- An individual who is self-employed in the private sector and works directly with people who have disability issues.
The NDIS is a worthwhile initiative and it is imperative that we all do what we can to support our local area coordinators. I hope this article has helped you understand what they do and how you can get involved. For More Detail Contact Us or you can also visit our website