The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new scheme that provides financial support to people with disability. It was launched by the Australian Government in July 2016 with the aim of providing people with disabilities access to services and supports that are on par with what other Australians receive. The NDIS currently covers over 30,000 Australians who have been assessed as having one or more physical or mental impairments.
Areas Of NDIS Support
NDIS support workers can help with many things including:
- Household Support
- Personal Care Support
- Emotional Support and Connections (EC)
These are just a few of the roles that NDIS support workers may carry out.
Household Support
- Assistance with household tasks.
- Assistance with personal care.
- Assistance with health care.
- Assistance with medication Plan management and care.
- Helping you plan meals from day to day, including shopping for ingredients and preparing them, cooking the meals on-site or in your home, and taking part in meal times together as a family unit (if this is something that supports your loved one’s preferences) and more!
Personal Care Support
Personal Care Support Workers can assist with personal care tasks, such as showering, dressing and toileting. They may also assist with meal preparation and other household tasks that are not physically demanding.
NDIS support workers are trained to provide a range of supports to people who need help with everyday activities such as
- Personal care assistance (e.g., bathing)
- Ambulation assistance (e.g., walking)
- Meal preparation assistance
Emotional Support
Emotional support is an important part of life for people with disabilities, and it’s something that can be provided by a range of different sources. Support workers can provide emotional support in many different ways, including:
- Talking to you about your feelings
- Listening to you when you talk about your feelings
- Showing empathy towards your feelings or the impact that things have on you
Roles Of NDIS Support Workers
The roles of NDIS support workers are not to be confused with carers, nurses or doctors. They do not speak for you, nor do they make decisions on your behalf.
The role of an NDIS support worker is to assist individuals with their plans and support under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Support staff are paid with taxpayers’ money, so they must ensure that their role is not seen as replacing someone who would otherwise provide these services themselves.
Support workers can also help you understand how your rights under the scheme work in relation to other people such as family members or friends who may live in your home if you’re unable to leave because of illness or disability-related issues like depression or anxiety disorders which may prevent them from being able to take care of themselves at home alone (such as during holidays).
1. Assisting With Daily Activities
You may also need help with daily activities. These include:
Cooking :
You may have difficulty preparing meals, or the food you cook isn’t nutritious enough to feed your family.Cleaning :
Your home may not be as clean as it should be, so your carer will help you keep it that way by cleaning up after yourself and others who live with you (such as children).Laundry :
In many cases, laundry services aren’t available on the NDIS plan due to a lack of funding for them in some areas but this doesn’t mean that someone else won’t do your laundry for themselves! This can save time and money by removing one more chore from your plate every day! If this sounds like something that would work well for someone living with dementia, then consider asking them if they’d like their own personal assistance with this task once again especially if there’s no one else around who could do it at present time.2. Prompting And Supervising Timely Medication
- You can prompt a client to take their medication, by reminding them when it’s time for their pill or liquid.
- You can also supervise them while they take their pills, ensuring that they do not leave the medication in the wrong place, which could result in an overdose.
If a client is not taking their medication at all times, this will be communicated with the provider who will address this problem and provide solutions such as finding alternative strategies for getting improved adherence levels (e.g., using different types of devices).
3. Developing Personalised Support Plans
The NDIS requires individuals to have a written plan that provides for ongoing coordination between service providers in order to ensure effective access to support (including assistance with daily activities). If you are not currently receiving support through your current health insurer or other providers, this would be an ideal opportunity for you to develop one!
4. Providing Emotional Support
The NDIS supports people with disabilities to live independent life. Emotional support is an important part of this goal, and NDIS support workers can help you find the right kind of emotional support for you.
There are many different ways that emotional support can be provided in a person’s life. For example, they may be able to participate in regular group sessions or one-by-one sessions with a therapist who specializes in providing mental health care to people with disabilities (or their families).
They also might have access to online forums where they can interact with other participants who share similar experiences as them this type of interaction helps them feel more connected and less alone when going through challenging times.
5. Working With Partnering Health Workers
The NDIS supports workers can assist you with any health issues related to disability, including:
- Assisting you with accessing the right services and support from local health professionals.
- Helping you understand what information is available about your condition so that you can make informed decisions about your treatment options.
- Answering any questions about medication or treatments (if appropriate).
If you need help with everyday tasks and activities, the NDIS may be able to provide support workers who can help your family. These workers are trained in the area of disability and can help with a wide range of issues including personal care, household support, emotional support and more. For More Detail Contact Us or you can also visit our website