Behavioral Intervention Plan

behavioral intervention plan

What Is a Behavioral Intervention Plan?

A behavioural intervention plan is a written document that outlines the specific steps you will take to help your child learn and develop the necessary skills for the future. Behavioural intervention plans are especially important when someone has learning disabilities or developmental delays, or when there are changes in their physical or emotional health.

Types Of Behaviors The Intervention Plan

Behavioural plans are the most common form of intervention. They are based on what you know about your child’s behaviour and his or her problem areas. The following are some types:

Verbal reinforcement: You praise your child for good behaviour, doing so in a way that he will notice it and be motivated to repeat it.

Positive reinforcement: You give your child treats or other rewards for good behaviour, which makes him more likely to repeat it.

Positive punishment: You reward your child with something she would not want if you knew she was going to get punished for doing something wrong (such as taking something from another person), which makes her less likely to do it again in the future.

Who Gets a BIP?

The Behavioral Intervention Plan is a plan for the treatment of ADHD. It is designed to help individuals with hyperactivity and inattention by replacing behaviours that are harmful to the child or adolescent with positive ones that promote health and safety.

How to Create an Effective Behavior Intervention Plan

How to Create an Effective Behavior Intervention Plan


Creating an effective behaviour intervention plan is a process that requires careful planning. The entire team should be involved in this process, as it can affect their experience with the student, as well as the person’s experience with them. The first step is to gather all of the necessary information about the student and their situation.

The team should also consider their own knowledge and experience with similar cases. This will help them determine what kind of interventions they need to use in order to create an effective plan.

Once they have gathered all of this information, they should begin creating a list of possible interventions. They should try to factor in any potential negative side effects that might occur if these interventions were actually implemented. Once they have finished creating their list, they should begin brainstorming ideas for each item on the list.

They should then rank each idea according to how likely or unlikely it would be for it to work based on past experiences with similar cases and their knowledge about behaviour intervention plans in general (such as whether there are already established guidelines).

After ranking each idea, they should choose one option from each category that appears most likely based on their own knowledge base and experience with similar cases (as well as past)

Strategies Should  Include In BIP

  • Limit Access to Preferred Items

Limit your child’s access to preferred items prior to work times. Allow access to preferred items based on their completion of required work.

  • Behavioural Momentum

Start work sessions with easy tasks that your child can do relatively quickly and easily. Provide praise and tokens for completing the easy tasks. Slowly incorporate more difficult tasks once the child gets moving on the work.

  • Provide Choices

During work, times Allow your child some reasonable choices about the order in which they want to complete their tasks and the reinforcement they want to work for. Consider making a checklist together of the order of tasks they will complete.

  • Chunking

During work, times Split work into small chunks that take about 5 minutes each to complete.

  • Incorporate Visual Supports

Use a first-then visual to show the child the work they must complete first before earning access to the reinforcement they selected.

The plan should also include strategies for how you will implement those activities so that they are successful. For example, if your child needs help learning how to communicate with others by using sign language at home, then you might create a chart where each step is timed and signed out loud in order to follow up on progress and make sure your child understands what he or she needs to do next time around (such as using more gestures).

If you have any questions about the Behavioral Intervention Plan please feel free to contact us. Or you can visit our website for the Behavioral Support program.

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