Behavioral Therapy For Toddlers

Behavioral Therapy For Toddlers

Behavioural therapy for toddlers is a type of therapy that helps children to understand their emotions and behaviours and the consequences of their actions. It can be helpful for children who are experiencing learning disabilities or other mental health issues, as well as other medical conditions which may cause them to act out in ways that are disruptive to their education. In this therapy, parents and teachers work with the child to identify issues and teach them how to deal with them healthily.

Parent-Child Interaction

Parent-Child Interaction

The  Parent-Child Interaction  (PCIT) model was initially designed for 2-7-year-olds but can now be applied to assist with regulating emotions in toddlers from 12 – 24 months old. The techniques are based on the understanding that challenging behaviours like tantrums or aggression happen because children have difficulty regulating their “big feelings” rather than deliberately doing something wrong; this leads us to how we should approach parent/ toddler interactions during treatment sessions…

How is PCIT-T going to help

Greater self-regulation and fewer behaviour problems in children are just two of the many benefits that PCIT-T provides. In addition, this program can help increase your toddler’s language skills while encouraging them to follow directions – all thanks to a live coaching component like ICONIC CARE! With professional guidance from our teachers or coaches on hand at all times (and available via phone), you’ll be able to take advantage of these proven techniques without having any problem implementing them into daily life; which is especially helpful when it comes time stressful moments like discipline issues arise during parenting sessions.
behavioral intervention plan

Types of Childs Can Benefit From PCIT-T?

  • Tantrums

A tantrum is a sudden display of anger, frustration or annoyance. It is usually characterized by crying, shouting, and stomping of feet. Tantrums may occur in children of any age but are most common in toddlers and young children. Although tantrums can be a regular part of a child’s development, they can be frustrating and exhausting for both the child and the parent.

  • Aggression

Aggression in children can be defined as a form of behaviour that is intended to cause harm or damage to another person. It can also be described as behaviour designed to assert dominance over another individual. Aggression can be physical or verbal, and it can be either direct or indirect.

Children may display aggression in many ways, including hitting, kicking, biting, spitting, and name-calling. Aggression is a normal part of child development, and children must learn how to deal effectively with frustration and anger.

  • Fussiness

Fussiness in children can be defined as periods of crying or irritability that are out of proportion to the child’s usual mood. It can be sporadic or constant and may be accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, or a fever. Fussiness is often expected in infants and young children and can be related to things like teething, growth spurts, or a change in routine.

  • Attachment difficulties

Attachment difficulties in children can manifest in several ways, including problems with emotional regulation, social skills, and behaviour. Children with attachment difficulties may have trouble forming attachments to caregivers, struggle to maintain close relationships, and exhibit clingy or demanding behaviours.

They may also have difficulty regulating their emotions and may act out in aggressive or disruptive ways.

  • Separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is a standard and developmentally appropriate stage for all children. It typically occurs between 6 months and three years and goes away when a child is 4 or 5 years old. However, some children may experience separation anxiety into adolescence or adulthood.

Separation anxiety is a normal reaction when a child is separated from a parent or caregiver. Feelings of anxiety, distress, and fear characterize it. For example, children may cry, cling to their parents or caregiver, and refuse to attend a school or participate in activities. They may also have trouble sleeping, experience nightmares, or wet the bed.


Behavioural therapy for toddlers is an effective way to help them learn how to cope with difficult emotions and situations. Behavioural therapy may be the answer for you if you are struggling with a toddler with trouble adjusting. Talk to your paediatrician or therapist about finding a therapist who works with children this age. They will be able to help your child learn how to regulate their emotions, communicate better, and make healthy choices.

For more information about PCIT-T, you can visit our website, or visit our practice’s info page at Early Childhood Support

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